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Group 554
Critters & Kids House & Homestead

The Simple Life

Our household has remained relatively healthy all winter long, something that I am very grateful for. That changed this week however. For me, it started out with a major sinus cold, and ended on an equally strong note with a gastrointestinal virus that left no victim unscathed in our household. Looking back, much laundry was done, some or all kids made it to school on most days, cows had calves, phone calls were made, Lysol wipes were used with abandon, and lots of other things somehow seemed to take place too.

We certainly aren’t the first family to have illness run its course, and I am wise (or jaded) enough to know that this definitely won’t be the last week that we have like this. But when all was said and done, I found more than a few things that made me happy this week.

1. Running water: I’ll admit that doing load upon load of unplanned, revolting laundry at all hours of the night or day isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time. And while I wasn’t exactly relishing the task, I had a functional washing machine and ample water to use which made the job almost painless. Hauling bedding to the creek to pound the filth out with a rock would have added unnecessary work onto an already full day.

2. Technology: I had a few commitments to follow through on this week, in spite of our contagion. I was fortunate to be able to make a virtual presentation to a very accommodating audience via webinar instead of having to travel to the event in person, which was most helpful! I also deposited a cheque, paid some bills, and completed some other work all without having to leave my house, thanks to modern convenience.

3. Ranch life: I was on cow-checking duty for a couple of days this week and I must say I really enjoyed the opportunity to escape…. Okay, maybe escape is a bit harsh, but I definitely relished every trip away from the house and out to the barn. A little fresh air, coupled with sweet baby calves that buck around the field, mixed with that earthy smell of wet, spring dirt was just what I needed to put me in a good mood.

4. We live in a good place: Both the provincial and federal budgets were tabled this past week, something I could follow closely thanks to the previously mentioned technology. While there were some tough choices that were made, and a few things that many people were less than excited to hear about, including myself, I can’t help but feel that we are fortunate to live where we do. We live in a safe country, free from persecution, and have access to many privileges like voting, education and healthcare, things that others around the world can only dream about. Politicians and budgets come and go, but it’s the people who make a place great.

While there were several less-than-pleasant moments this week, I’m still a sucker for the simple things in life. A new baby calf, a witty tweet, and water flowing out of the tap were sometimes the only things I needed to help me put one foot in front of the other.